alright yeah I could voice act, I'll see about getting a mic sometime soon cause I was going to be working on a halo machinima, but I think I could squeeze some time into this. I'll look over the character, give me a personality and I think I could do it. I mean someone actually mistook me for being the guy who plays as master chief. If you've got a gamertag on XBL then you can hear my voice on that.
-Darkblade155 (should be referred to as Deathblade15)
Ever since My Pc crashed I could only help on scripts!And I am currently werkin on a vid. but If I try to send 4 my PC fixed,they might delet it and the swf.converter (because last time time they deleted almost everything!And what they didnt delete waz mostly made into shortcuts)so good luk,But if I can find my mic,I`ll help U out.comment on my page to accept.