My loyal fans!(If I have any) I need help, please! My co-author Manaheart14, has a flash called "Re-Genesis" and as his older brother, I wanna help him by getting him a voice actor for this character m/art/Taishiji-Gravity-Light-105358322 t
that is the deviantArt link to the character, if you guys help out, that'd be awesome!
/There will be other characters posted up, soon, I'll keep you guys informed, plz and thx
Ever since My Pc crashed I could only help on scripts!And I am currently werkin on a vid. but If I try to send 4 my PC fixed,they might delet it and the swf.converter (because last time time they deleted almost everything!And what they didnt delete waz mostly made into shortcuts)so good luk,But if I can find my mic,I`ll help U out.comment on my page to accept.